* This week I spent a lot of time in the kitchen, both cleaning and cooking. I made brownies from scratch (thanks Nigella!), and took half to my buddy the firefighter and his band of brothers. They really did me a favor, as I was posed to eat an entire pan of brownies by myself and that is not the way to kick start my "healthy new year". The recipe is super easy, but I think needs some tweaking for American kitchen's so I will not post it yet.
I got a tour of the fire station as well- it's funny how they don't look at all like they do in the movies. His station was from the 50's and had a delightful layer of ash over many surfaces. There was a large kitchen, TV room/hallway (poor things, I'd pray for a run too if I had to watch "Meet Dave" all day), and the bunks where my friend had jerry-rigged a fan over his bed. I guess you can do what you want if a fireman or paramedic is standing by. A big "YOU"RE WELCOME" for the baked goods, any time!
I was also in charge of our monthly breakfast at work today and it was a big success! Yea! It's so nerve racking making something for the first time and feeding it to strangers. I made a breakfast casserole that was easy and delicious! Thank god too, since I'm pretty sure I'll be in charge of breakfast monthly from here on out. Now, I just need suggestions for next month- must feed 30.

* I just discovered this gem of a blog: Sleep Talkin' Man . She had me at, "Don't put the noodles and the dumplings together in the boat. They'll fight! The noodles are bullies. Poor dumplings."
* Jen's word of the day is: idiot strings
* I really don't want to talk to anyone all day- my throat hurts and now my left ear hurts. This sucks!
* I tried to watch the worst movie last night. "Rage" had all the trappings of a movie I would love: interesting premise (teen creates documentary for class at a fashion show when a murder occurs), great cast (Dame Judi Dench, Steve Buscemi, Dianne Wiest, Jude Law in drag!), and great director (Sally Potter- director behind the masterpiece "Orlando"). I really wish I had watch the trailer first or read more of the reviews on Netflix. To call this film experimental is an understatement. The whole film is told as rambling monologues in front of an ever evolving green screen. Why anyone would keep talking to some blogger when gun shots ring out is beyond me. Why the police detective looks (and sounds) like he just stepped out of "Super Fly" is beyond me as well. I didn't even finish watching. I kept skipping ahead, hoping a story would emerge that never did.
I try to like the super experimental, the avant-garde, half believing I'm supposed to as a cinephile, and half because I want to be a bit pretentious. Unfortunately, I usually don't. Von Triers "Dogville" was interesting, but I hate him and his pompous take on America (he's never even been here!). Todd Solondz gets the most press when he's pushing the boundaries of "decency" and "morality", I just usually get bored. I HEART Greg Araki, the best example of off-track film making that I like. Who can't appreciate a 6 foot T-Rex terrorizing SoCal teens? Or a disembodied head who likes to back talk? I know I can!
* Uh... Who knew there were so many actual actors in "The Omen" remake? I sure didn't, which is partially why I avoided it (also, because I don't agree with remaking perfectly good movies simply because you're bored and you think you can). Liev Schriber! Pete Posthlewaite! David Thewlis! Michael Gambon! Oh my! My verdict will be in tomorrow.
* I read today that the budget's for Army bases is being cut by as much as 40 %. While they are unsure of exactly where the money will come from, obvious cutbacks will come from sanitation and recreation. This annoys me to no end. I'm sure families on base can figure out how to mow their own lawn, but reducing trash collection is never a positive change. Also, families rely on recreation when loved ones are away to keep the sanity and entertain youngsters. If we cannot take care of our men and women in uniform- on base, overseas, retired- we shouldn't have so many and/or we shouldn't start something we can't support fully. Regardless of your feelings on the war, certainly we can all agree that those in service should be treated with the same dignity and respect we expect ourselves at work.
* Dear TV makers: Why is the previous season of __(insert name of show here)__ not available on DVD before the new season begins? Are you trying to make me crazy? I've been trying to catch up to Nip/Tuck for a couple years now to no avail. Season 7 started last week, and season 6 is still not available. What the french?? Quit mucking about and get on the ball. That is all.
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